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Apostille and legalisation: the stamp placed on a translation

Translating a simple text can be done by many translators but a legal document has many aspects and demands a lot of knowledge regarding certain issues. When a (foreign) organisation must be absolutely sure of a translation, the organisation can request an apostille from our customers. For some translations, or rather, for certain countries this is even mandatory.


An apostille is the stamp that is given to a translation. Brasilva works with translators who are registered at Dutch District Courts. We can, therefore, always provide our translations with an apostille or legalisation; a stamp provided by the District Court where the translator is certified. This stamp will guarantee that you have a certified and, therefore, reliable translation of your document.

District Court

The Netherlands has concluded an Apostille Convention with certain countries. A document that comes from such a country must be provided with an apostille. A legalisation of the signature of the translator is possible for all other countries and nations should the organisation require legalisation. Legalisation takes place through the District Court and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affaires.


When we receive a translation assignment that requires an apostille or legalisation, we will take care of the details. We will translate your document and we know how to deal with the relevant authorities and bureaucracies. We are also aware of the criteria that the Dutch Ministry of Justice and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs set. We can smooth the way and assume responsibility for the whole process: we can ensure you receive your translation quickly while meeting all legal criteria.

An apostille or legalisation confirms the authenticity of the translator's signature.