Brasilva Media offers something new: an additional media service abroad.
Our origins lie in translation and interpreting. We certainly do not pretend that we can do your job as a journalist! But we can assist you with your exclusive interview with a sports celebrity or other key figures from abroad. Our network is extensive and can be easily mobilised to reach people abroad.
Would you like to interview a famous foreigner? We have the contacts. We can arrange contact with celebrities and key figures through our network but we can also put you in contact with journalists who speak the language of these celebrities and key figures.
For example, we can put you in contact with South American football players from the major foreign football leagues and arrange interviews with them. We are able to do this due to our contacts with journalists there. Journalists who speak the language of football players and have an affinity with the sport of the interviewee. This gives you an exclusive interview since both they and the person being interviewed can speak freely in their own native languages! All those nuances that rich languages have will come through and because they will understand any play on words or puns.
Your advantages
The written piece that you produce can be translated by one of our native speakers in any language that may be required. This is true added value! Your reporter can remain at the office doing his or her daily work. No need to travel abroad and, more importantly, you will have an exclusive interview where what has been left unsaid also comes through. Read more!
Recommended reading:
Professor Margot van Mulken: "Talking to people in your native language is more effective!"
Professor M. van Mulken who is linked to the Radboud University, [Nijmegen, the Netherlands] has recently studied the importance of conversing in your native language. According to her research, talking to people in your native language is much more effective.
This is because the refined language which a native speaker possesses is optimally used and understood. Puns and play on words are, for example, often not understood at all by a non-native speaker. If two speakers do not speak the same language, they have a choice: one of them adapts to the native language of the other and accepts that he or she will be handicapped when talking or they opt for a language that neither speak fluently, a lingua franca. This will often be English. Funnily enough, it has never been researched which language would be the most effective in this case.
A foreign journalist interviews an Italian or a Brazilian. The conversation takes place in English, which is not the native language of either of them. A missed opportunity! Prof. M. van Mulken is convinced of this. Her research has shown that conversations and interviews that are not conducted in the native language of the persons involved lack effectiveness!
Margot van Mulken [1963] was born in Geleen, the Netherlands; she studied French language and literature at Radboud University. In 1993 she received her PhD from the VU University in Amsterdam; a year before she was appointed as a lecturer in Business Communication and French at the Radboud University. Margot van Mulken has been a professor in International Business Communication at the Radboud University in the city of Nijmegen since 1 November 2008. She is also the editor of Tekstblad.
See the following website: http://mvmulken.ruhosting.nl/publicaties.html
Marcel Rözer [Ulft, 1959] studied English and German at the teacher’s training college in Nijmegen (Nieuwe Lerarenopleiding). From 1985 to 1990, he worked part-time in education and also co-owned the Collective Café De Cantine in the city of Nijmegen in the Netherlands.
He started in 1990 as a sports journalist for several newspapers belonging to Wegener Uitgeverijen. In 1998 he made the transition to the VPRO (a Dutch broadcasting organisation) where he was sports editor of Sportpaleis De Jong (TV programme).
In 2000, he became a journalist for the monthly sports magazine JOHAN football. Marcel Rözer has been a freelance journalist since 2004. He has written for the VPRO TV Guide, the Nieuwe Revu magazine, Onze Wereld and the NRC Handelsblad newspaper to name, but a few examples since then. He has also assisted in developing Just Kick It, a football magazine for young people.
Marcel Rözer also makes documentaries that are passionate renditions about the wonderful world of sport and sports television programmes; and he writes sports books too.
Marcel presents sports on the Dutch television programme Goede Morgen Nederland (Dutch breakfast show). He presents the high and low points from the sports weekend and other sporting performances, blunders and curiosities every Monday. Marcel also contributes to radio programmes and writes a column for Goede Morgen Nederland on a weekly basis.
In 2005, his book Deze neger buigt voor niemand (This black man will bend for no one) was published by Uitgeverij Houtekiet. The book discusses the life of a special man, Winston Bogarde (former Dutch professional footballer). The book was a bestseller. In the same year, Marcel Rözer made a documentary about this man together with Jeroen Berkvens and Rob Hodselmans: De Neger die niet buigt, [The black man who does not bend].
In 2007, his book De Keizer en de Verlosser (The Emperor and the Redeemer) was published by Uitgeverij Houtekiet; a book on the parallel lives of footballers Johan Cruyff and Franz Beckenbauer.
In 2007, Rözer made the film, Het blijft je broer (He is still your brother-in-arms), a documentary on the life of Henny Cruyff and Walter Beckenbauer, the brother of Johan Cruyff and Franz Beckenbauer, respectively, in collaboration with filmmakers Hans Pool and Maaik Krijgsman.
A year later he signed up to make the film, De keerzijde van de Medaille [The other side of the coin] with the same filmmakers. A film about the collective dynamic process of six volleyball players who won the gold medal at the Olympic Games of Atlanta.
Football Publishing House, De Buitenspelers, published the book Voetbal in een vuile oorlog, (Football in the dirty war) in 2008. A book Marcel wrote with friend and colleague Iwan which was very well received.
In 2008 he was also asked to work with Uitgeverij Pepijn in Eindhoven, a publishing house in the town of Eindhoven, on a book that would try to define the relationship between business and sport. The book, Het waarom van Succes (The why of success) tries to determine what the industry can learn from sports and vice versa. It turned out to be a surprisingly good book.
As from 2009 Marcel has been writing columns for LOF, Topsport Gelderland, the supporters’ magazine of the professional football club NEC in the city of Nijmegen, etc.
Marcel will be publishing, together with Iwan again, in 2010, the authorised biography of the Dutch football coach Guus Hiddink.
Marcel still plays football and he strongly believes this is required to be able to write about it. You should play football as a left winger, feel the wind, smell the grass and always look for that one moment when everything is just perfect. Playing on the left side is for him still the best there is. Marcel shares a home with his partner Els their son Teun and daughter Koosje.

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